Choose Your Major, Don’t Let It Choose You

The days wind down before move-in day and you can’t help but feel anxious. You’ll be meeting new people, experiencing new things, and exploring details you’ve never thought about before all to get prepared for the real world. Everyone is expecting so much out of you so when you’re staring that dreaded question in the eyes you can’t help but get flustered. “What’s your major?” Listen, I’m not here to lecture you on my major or even on how hard I think other majors are. I’m simply here to tell you the real reasons behind choosing one. Of course we all know money supposedly makes people happy, but I want you to imagine this, waking up every morning to go to a class covering a topic you despise just to graduate and go work in a field you’ll have to peel yourself out of your bed to go to. That sounds like a miserable life right? Of course initially you’re forced to take your core classes, but that also allows you the chance to touch base in a little bit of everything so go in undecided and figure out exactly what you like. Ultimately it’s what you’re going to have to live with for the rest of your life. Once you enter your junior year you want to be excited about going to class and being hands on in a field you’ll be in until retirement, you want to feel a passion for a field that motivates you, you want to be able to smile during the day and not clock watch until it’s time for you to go home. I know this sounds like a stretch right? Plenty of people do things that make them miserable for a living…. But between sleeping and driving you spend most of your life at work and in class…. Do you honestly want to spend that time being miserable? So from one college student happy in her major to another student who I could only wish the same pleasure upon… choose a major for YOU. Choose something that makes YOU happy. Choose something that keeps your gears grinding, and doesn’t bore you. At the end of the day college is about helping mold you for the real world.

It took me choosing Psychology for the sake of my parents and taking a class and feeling miserable to realize college is no longer about anyone else.  A public speaking class made me realize standing in front of people communicating was my passion, from that moment on I knew speech communication was for me.  nikki