VSU Avatars

Verified Instructor Avatar

The following professors, staff members and students have an ongoing presence in Second Life.

If you would like your Second Life Avatar to be listed below,
please contact Dr. Ocasio at maocasio@valdosta.edu.

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Reina Caribeña 

Dr. Michelle Ocasio
Modern & Classical Languages
Campus Director, Second Life at VSU

Hello everyone! I’m Dr. Ocasio and I use Second Life in my online courses as a means for students to get to know each other and to post summaries of final projects.  I also conduct some of my office hours in my inworld office.    Currently I’m very interested in VR and its applications for language learning.  Although my research interests lie in language contact and Garifuna historical linguistics, I enjoy the magical and creative world that Second Life has to offer!


SL profile picture

Maile Monday

Dr. Karen Acosta
Modern & Classical Languages

¡Hola a todos! I am Dr. Acosta and I have been on Second Life since 2008. I have primarily used Second Life socially until now. I have run a book club on Second Life since 2009 and recently that group got a movie club branch as well. I used to own a residential and commercial sim with three of my SL friends and have experience managing land on Second Life. I have recently started using Second Life academically, and I am very excited about its potential for education and research. I now co-run a Virtual Spanish Conversation Club with Dr. Ocasio and Dr. Bell. We hope you’ll join us!


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Luis Campana

Dr. Fleming Bell
Modern & Classical Languages




Anizeta Aerallo

Dr. Beatriz Potter
Modern & Classical Languages

Daesang Kim

Dr. Daesang Kim
Curriculum Leadership & Technology






Joe Newton

Mr. Joseph Newton, III
Chief Technology Officer