Spring 2021 Senior Exhibition: The Diversity of “Living in Color”

Maria Carbonell

The Department of Art and Design of Valdosta State University is presenting the Spring 2021 Senior Exhibition at the Dedo Maranville Fine Arts Gallery, “as the semester comes to a close, 20 art students graduating from VSU have worked together to create the digital gallery show ‘Living inColor’” (VSU Gallery).

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“Valdosta National” Group Exhibition

By: Alayna Anderson

This review is on the “Valdosta National” group exhibition at the Dedo Maranville Gallery online. This exhibition is only shown online due to Covid 19. Eight hundred and seventy-five pieces of art were submitted by adults across the country to be shown in this exhibition; however, only seventy pieces were selected. (Valdosta State, 2021) This decision was made by judge Claire Dempster and stated in Dempeter’s bio located on the gallery’s website.

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Valdosta National 2021: Not Quite Past 2020

By: Madison Pritchard

“The Valdosta National 2021” was hosted by Valdosta State University Dedo Maranville Fine Arts Gallery. It is an all media competition that was shown virtually this year due to the pandemic. The juror and judge for the competition this year was Claire Dempster. Some of the featured artists in the show were Amy Broderick, Samuel Dunson, and Martha Underriner.

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