The Third Dimension- Pratt Edition

An artist excerpt stemmed from the “Convergence” showing that was exhibited in the Dedo Maranville Gallery at Valdosta State University.

   Even from a young age, Sara Pratt was influenced by the natural surroundings where she grew up. The iron-rich clay in the Appalachians was just something that appeared in her daily life. Coming from a large family, creativity, and art was also something that was constantly surrounding her. When her mother was finishing up her Art Education degree at Valdosta State University, one of the classes she took was Ceramics, which was taught by Professor Michael Schmidt. She and her twin sister would go to class with their mother sometimes, which led her to feel so curious and fascinated that a material she grew up playing with could be transfigured into fine art.

Image of Sara Pratt- the artist
Portrait of Sara Pratt

Pratt and her twin sister were born in Ocala, Florida. They moved around quite a lot with their mother. Despite all of the moves, living in north Georgia with their maternal grandparents is where Pratt considers her home to be. She said that traveling back and forth between families in Georgia and Florida caused a hectic upbringing for them, but it created who she is today. Her mother is the youngest of ten, so she says that “there was a plethora of artists, good memories, and love to go around”.  Continue reading The Third Dimension- Pratt Edition

Not A “Bag” Experience

By: Karley Hamm

Mixed Bag: An Assortment of Contemporary Craft contains works from Max Adrian (Columbus, Ohio), Emily Culver (Richmond, Virginia), Elyse-Krista Mishce (Appleton, Wisconsin), M. Paige Ward (Gatlinburg, Tennessee), and Xia Zhang (Tulsa, Oklahoma). Their exhibition and works are held in the Dedo Maranville Gallery at Valdosta State University in Valdosta, Georgia. It consists of multiple works that follow up on social issues, and is explored through many different mediums.

A sculpture of concrete and found pinewood by M. Paige Ward
M. Paige Ward, How firm a Foundation I, cast concrete, found pine, copper plated nails
papier-mache paniel by Elyse-Krista Masche
Elyse-Krista Mische, Tether, Papier-mache, panel, canvas, embroidery, tinfoil, acrylic,ink, graphite
Photograph of Exhibition “Mixed Bag: An assortment of Contemporary Craft” opening night by VSU Dedo Maranville Fine Arts Gallery
VSU Dedo Maranville Fine Arts Gallery, Exhibition “Mixed Bag: An assortment of Contemporary Craft”,opening night








As soon as you walk into the gallery, you will find it to be pretty bare for the size of the room. Dedo Maranville Gallery is not infamous for its huge space, but it is no mere rinky-dinky sort of gallery, either. The works displayed in this exhibition are fairly small and do not fill much of the room. Whether that is a good or bad thing is up to the viewer. The colors of all of the different works share a similar contrast and palette. They have delicate touches of pastels in their works which gives off a sense of light and airy bliss on the white walls. Continue reading Not A “Bag” Experience