A Bold Bittersweet End

By Sophie Anderson

        “BECAUSE OF THE EXTRAORDINARY CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CORONAVIRUS  “ are the first words that draw my eye on the page of the senior exhibition and they ring loud through the whole virtual exhibition.  There can be no doubt that this senior class has been challenged like no other. The senior show is something that every VSU art student looks forward to and simultaneously dreads their whole college career.  The stress of finding the location to exhibit, designing the pamphlets to be printed and passed out, laying out all the artworks to create a cohesive show  has  been taken away for the students exhibiting in “In Bold” and replaced with a far greater pressure : a literal pandemic.  

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Margi Weir: Bearing Witness Exhibition

By Sophie Anderson

Walking into “Bearing Witness: Installations by Margi Weir” tension is already present before even processing the work. The floor is barren, except for a few low benches for viewing. The bright lights amplify the empty distance between the walls. Confrontational, bright, reflective artworks on plexiglass, bleed out onto the walls with vinyl cutouts that mimic the patterns present in the works. The complicated patterns are reminiscent of a shiny, busy wrapping paper design. It takes a moment to take in the artworks individually to break them down.

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