Bold Colors. Bold Meanings.

By: Anna Roberts

In her artist statement Margi Weir talks about how her body of work, The Politics of Hue, is not meant to change anyone’s opinion on the chosen socio-political topic. Rather, Weir wants viewers to leave questioning their own thoughts. This exhibition, located at the Dedo Maranville Fine Arts Gallery in Valdosta, Georgia, like many of her work, has underlying meaning to it. All the works presented in the gallery involved Weir’s response to and engagement with the world around her. Her works are visually inviting to the viewer. The repetitive patterns and bold color make viewers wonder how deep the symbolism goes behind her pieces. Many of her works are based around the idea of textiles, or rather stitching together digital patterns to make them visually appealing. She brings these ideas to life by using acrylic, Plexiglas, and vinyl.

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Margi Weir Exhibition

by Tony Coates

 Walking into the Dedo Maranville Fine Arts Gallery located on the Valdosta State University Campus, audiences will be greeted with a splash of different colors from the “Bearing Witness” gallery installations by Margi Weir. These installations take color and combine everything that is symbolized in modern culture by that color and collage them into one beautifully designed acrylic painted piece. Weir also uses the acrylic paintings to create awareness as well beyond just the colors creating one large piece that is equivalent to 3 of her normal-sized large canvases. Vinyl images merged to create this one stunning piece that is so large it fills up one whole wall of the gallery. This exhibition combines many ideals, so if viewers do not agree with one color and its symbols, there are up to eight colors, including Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Black, White, Purple, and Orange, so that everyone can relate to something in this exhibition. The stories and awareness that Weir provides are modern culture. The execution of each piece is very detailed in each work presented.

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Valdosta National 2020

By Hannah Wynn

The “Valdosta National” exhibition is displayed in the Valdosta State University Dedo Maranville Fine Arts Gallery in Valdosta, GA. This exhibition is the gallery’s annual display of contemporary art that showcases multiple medias. The exhibition runs from January 21-February 7, 2020. After stepping into the gallery, one is embraced with a calming and quiet atmosphere. The viewer can browse the exhibition however they want without a specific order. I believe that the installation was great for the exhibition. Each work in the exhibition is labeled with the artist’s name, the title of the work, and the medium of the work. Every work in the show is well lit by the use of studio lighting and they are spaced to where each work can be seen without being crowded by other works. Out of the 48 works, 46 of them were for sale and ranged from $100-$8500. They were judged and awards were given for first through fourth place, as well as honorable mentions.

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Artist Margi Weir: Bearing Witness Solo Exhibition

By Abby Mickler

The solo exhibition that was recently housed in the Dedo Maranville Gallery at Valdosta State University is one in which artist, Margi Weir, presents some of her works that depict issues and trends within our society today, mostly the negative aspects. Weir’s exhibition is entitled “Bearing Witness”, which seems appropriate considering the context and subject matter of her pieces. 

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