Distance Does Not Stop Creativity.

By: Anna Roberts

This year the senior exhibition for BFA and BA graduates had to be moved online due to COVID-19; however, this did not stop this amazing group of seniors from displaying their artwork. Each of the seniors in the show has put quite a bit of time into growing their career and expanding on their skill set. Some of the media included in this show are ceramics, printmaking, digital illustration, drawing, and many other media were all represented. The show titled In Bold, showcases the work of 15 seniors graduating from the College of Art at Valdosta State. The form of this years exhibition threw some interest curve balls at the students, but each of them overcame any obstacle presented to create a digital exhibition that will be viewed for years to come.

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Bold Colors. Bold Meanings.

By: Anna Roberts

In her artist statement Margi Weir talks about how her body of work, The Politics of Hue, is not meant to change anyone’s opinion on the chosen socio-political topic. Rather, Weir wants viewers to leave questioning their own thoughts. This exhibition, located at the Dedo Maranville Fine Arts Gallery in Valdosta, Georgia, like many of her work, has underlying meaning to it. All the works presented in the gallery involved Weir’s response to and engagement with the world around her. Her works are visually inviting to the viewer. The repetitive patterns and bold color make viewers wonder how deep the symbolism goes behind her pieces. Many of her works are based around the idea of textiles, or rather stitching together digital patterns to make them visually appealing. She brings these ideas to life by using acrylic, Plexiglas, and vinyl.

Continue reading Bold Colors. Bold Meanings.