Each semester outstanding students are selected and recognized for their hardwork and dedication to their program by both faculty and their peers. Each program within the CONHS has awards whichare presented to these students. This year we also allowed students the chance to nominate and vote for their most influential faculty. Congratulations to all of our award winners!
Adam Howard
Alex Bergozza
Chelsea Adams
Chelsea Adams and Greg Lewis
Katie Younker
Austin Strabala
McCall Gardner
Rebeccah Stansbery
Ansley Harrison
Khadijah Abdul-Aleem
Shelby Greishober
Rachel Cronk
Rachel Zipperer
Hannah Harper
Charlene Schultz
Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Scholarship Recipients
Dr. Myron Faircloth
Paige Krispin
Dr. Dharini Bhammar
Chuck Conner