Camp Pictures

A group of Juniors in 1949, from Emily Bourne of Savannah, Georgia, to Patty Mann, of Arlington, Virginia. Junior Campers. All campers are members of either the Red or the Green team. For our junior campers (those under 12), however, special games, both indoor and outdoor, are devised.
Tent Row: where the girls live. This is Tent Row, situated here since 1914. Girls have been happy here for nearly forty years. The tents are set up on wooden platforms, away from the moisture of the ground, are equipped with heavy-duty flys, and all that,–but the really important thing is that here, on Tent Row, life-long friendships are formed,–here the gossip of the day is passed from tent to tent. Here the girls live!
Campers in front of the dining hall
Gazebo with Scenic View
Slow down please! Camp girls on horseback, 1906.
Our Youngest in 1949. SuAnn Preston, of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, age 8; and Foxy, age 3 weeks.
Daughters of old Glenrochie girls: Their mothers are Merle Martin Watkins, ’21; Mary Crawford Bourne, ’21; Nancy Chisholm Daniel, ’25; Delia Pease McGowan, ’29; Eleanor Williams Oppenhimer, ’19; and Mary Reade Copenhaver, ’21. Merle Martin and Mary Reade were captains of their teams in 1921, as were their daughters, many years later.–but in reverse order,–as Musser and Betty were Captains of the Red and Green teams, and their mothers were Captains of the Green and Red teams!
Frank R. Reade and Dotsy, 1947
Jean C. Reade, Miranda, and Dotsy, 1947. Picture taken on the occasion of Jean’s eighteen year old Miranda having her first colt. The colt Dotsy, was the sorriest looking little animal we ever did see. We think she is going to be a strawberry roan. Her father was and is.
Winner of Top Honors. The startled looking camper on the left, whose marshmallow is probably about to burst into flame, is Caroline Phelan, of Valdosta, Georgia,–best all-around Camper in 1950. To her right is Mary Kolmer,–another top flight Camper. Also somebody’s leg and foot! Caroline was voted the best Junior Camper in 1947, her first year at Glenrochie.
A Group of Happy Campers on the Hillside Near Our Outdoor Fireplace, 1950. Clinch Mountain. These girls are looking out on Clinch Mountain. There they can see the ebb and flow of the eternal Alleghanies. The view from Camp Glenrochie is alone worth the cost of admission!
Frank and Jean, summer 1940
Fiftieth consecutive year: final banquet at Glenrochie. At the right, Mrs. Louise Dearing Myers, Camp girl in 1906; Volney Campbell, former Counsellor, toastmaster; Mary Copenhaver, representing our fourth decade; Kate Mahood, editor of Camp newspaper; Marge Carter and Mary Hayter, Counsellors, Eleanor Barton, Captain of the Red Team; Jean Reade standing; and Cindy Pye, Captain of the Green Team.
Horseback riding: featured at Glenrochie. Here comes a horseback ride, up the long hill to Camp. Jean Reade is leading the ride on Miranda. Jane Baldwin, another riding Counsellor, is third in line, on Tony. In the background are girls at play on the tennis courts. The Camp vegetable garden is obscured by trees at the right, as is the rifle range at the left. Captain Frank S. Robertson, C.S.A., Courier on Jeb Stuart’s staff, was the first Camp riding instruction. His daughter, Mary Robertson Reade, founded Glenrochie in 1901 at her father’s home, The Meadows.
This was the early type of airport limousine used by the girls at Camp Glenrochie to get from the railroad station in Abingdon.

The 1923 Camp Journal by Mary Alice Harding contains pictures of many campers from that summer.