Camp History and Memories

Camp Glenrochie was established in 1901 by Mrs. Willoughby A. Reade (Mary “Mamie” Wheeler Robertson) at The Meadows, her family home in Abingdon, Virginia. The camp closed after the 1951 summer. Information about the camp can be found at the below links.


1923 Camp Journal by Mary Alice Harding
Margaret Sullavan, early 1920s
Elena, Eadie, and Milly Boyd, 1924
Frank R. Reade writes of the camping trip he learned of his grandfather’s death in 1926
Nicky Waggener shares her memories of Camp, 1936
A few daughters of World War II officers or public service figures, no date
Catherine G. Blanton shares her memories of teaching swimming at Camp, mid-1940s
Eleanor Oppenhimer (MeGehee), 1951
List of alumni kept by F. R. Reade, A-D, G-Z, no date

Do you have pictures or memories of Glenrochie to share? Send me a message through the Contact Me form.


Camp brochure, 1918 (includes list of alumnae at the end)
Glenrochie One of Camps Drawing Droves of Youth, 1948
The Southwest Corner, 1950
Final debts of the camp, settled 1954
Glenrochie past makes today’s surburbanites seem pale, article dated May 2, 1968
Camp Glenrochie’s middle years, article dated May 9, 1968
The rise and decline of Camp Glenrochieā€¦from bloomers to shirtwaists to jeans, article dated May 16, 1968