Research Compliance Basics

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The Office of Sponsored Programs and Research Administration (OSPRA) would like to extend a warm welcome to new VSU faculty and staff members, and a warm welcome back to returning VSU faculty and staff.

Research Compliance (OSPRA) has been busy this summer – updating IRB applications, revamping IP forms, and auditing IACUC files for compliance. Please take a moment or two to review the information included below. Feel free to contact this office with questions and/or concerns @


Intellectual Property (IP)

  • IP is any innovation or discovery conceived or developed by faculty, staff, postdoctoral fellows or students using university resources. “Use of university resources” is purposefully broad and includes all use of employee or student time, equipment, supplies or facilities and clinical practice. For example, an idea arising from your work – is, by this definition, Intellectual Property.
    • The Bayh-Dole Actgives universities the right to retain ownership of IP resulting from federally funded research. This right of ownership allows Valdosta State to protect your rights to use the IP and to continue to build on your research.
    • The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia’s policy on IP can be found at:
  • Each employee inventor who develops IP is required to complete the appropriate disclosure forms. Follow the link to access forms and additional information –

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Export Control