Giving to Colleges Up 6% in 2017

By Kerry W. Morris

When pursuing funding, particularly for research, many of us immediately think, “I wonder if there’s a grant for that?”  Grants are a great source of funds, but we all know they are competitive and hard to get.  This recent article in The Chronicle of Philanthropy reminds us that grants are not the only funding option available to colleges and universities.  Private gifts from our donors and alumni just may be available to get you started gathering the data needed for your research.  Just like VSU’s Faculty Research Seed Grants (FRSG), a gift from an individual or a local business may not be the answer to all your financial needs, but it could give you enough to arm you with the data needed to make your grant proposals competitive.  This also allows you to begin building relationships with someone who may one day want to invest big.  Don’t be afraid to reach out to University Advancement, Alumni Relations, and the skilled team of fundraisers that are available to assist you.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy
February 6, 2018 – By Heather Joslyn

Giving to America’s colleges rose 6 percent in 2017, lifted by a surge in giving by alumni, according to data released Tuesday.

In total, higher-education institutions raised $43.6 billion, the largest amount ever counted by the annual survey since it began in 1957.

As in 2016, Harvard University topped the list, with $1.28 billion raised. Harvard is now in the final months of a capital campaign that has raised more than $8 billion far more than its goal of $6 billion.  Read more . . .