Kirschstein NRSA Predoctoral Fellowships to Promote Diversity (F31)

Sponsor: National Institutes of Health

Deadline: 8/8/2018, 12/8/2018, 4/8/2019

CFDA No.:93.272


Contacts Vary

Description: Most, but not all, NIH institutes support individual predoctoral fellowships (F31) in specified areas of biomedical and behavioral sciences for individuals from racial and ethnic groups; individuals with disabilities; and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. Fellowships provide up to five years for training leading to the Ph.D. or equivalent. Applicants should identify a mentor at the same time showing potential to become an independent investigator. Must include a letter from the institution certifying eligibility. Annual deadlines: 4/8, 8/8, 12/8. Expires 1/8/21. See for details.