Japan Foundation Accepting Proposals for Performing Arts Projects

The Japan Foundation was established in 1972 to promote international cultural exchange and mutual understanding between Japan and other countries.

The foundation currently is accepting proposals for touring and collaborative projects through its Performing Arts Japan program. The annual program is designed to help increase access to Japanese performing arts in the United States and Canada, especially outside major metropolitan areas; to foster an understanding of these arts by providing educational programs for audiences in each touring location apart from public performances; and to support collaborative projects between Japanese and U.S./Canadian performing artists

The maximum grant amount awarded for the 2019-20 fiscal year will be $30,000.

Grants are awarded to U.S.- or Canada‐based nonprofit organizations only. To be eligible, projects must present Japanese performing arts and/or conduct performing arts collaboration between Japanese and American/Canadian artists. In addition, the project must explicitly include educational and/or community outreach activities.

See the Japan Foundation website for complete program guidelines and application procedures.