Faculty Research Seed Grant Applications Now Being Accepted!

The Office of Sponsored Programs and Research Administration is now accepting applications for the second Faculty Research Seed Grant Competition for Fiscal Year 2018-2019.  OSPRA will accept applications until 5:00 PM on Monday, October 1st, 2018.

The Faculty Research Seed Grant (FRSG) Program is a competitive internal funding program Valdosta State University faculty.  It is financially supported by the Division of Academic Affairs, managed by the Faculty Research and Scholarship Committee of the Faculty Senate, and administered by OSPRA.  The goal of the FRSG Program is to support faculty research and creative activity in the furtherance of the scholarly mission of the university.

The Faculty Research and Scholarship Committee looks forward to receiving many excellent research proposals for this competition and wishes the best of luck to those who apply.

Please follow the link provided below for the FRSG application, competition guidelines, and other documents needed to apply for this grant.
