American Psychological Foundations Invites Applications From Undergraduate Psychology Educators

Deadline: May 31, 2019

The American Psychological Foundation is currently accepting applications for its General Psychology Mary Whiton Calkins grant.

Through the program, a single grant of up to $3,000 will be awarded in support of faculty research by an individual who teaches at a primarily undergraduate-serving institution and who identifies undergraduate education as his/her primary focus.

Priority will be given to projects likely to be presented and/or published in a peer‐reviewed outlet or that could be made available to division members through Web resources. The foundation has a particular interest in research that combines multiple subfields within the discipline or addresses overarching themes.

To be eligible, applicants must be a member of Division 1 (Society for General Psychology) and, if human participants are involved, obtain IRB approval from the host institution before funding can be awarded.

See the American Psychological Foundation website for complete program guidelines, application instructions, and past recipients of the grant.