June 29 – July 3, 2020
The following post is from Thompson Grants weekly delivery of grant- and audit-related news and analysis from their editors, conveniently organized in pre-award, post-award and audit categories. It also provides readers with the latest Grants Intelligence articles from experts in the grants community, responses to subscriber questions, links to their most recent newsletter issues and e-learning offerings, and upcoming webinars.
Because the nation’s response to concerns about the Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) has dramatically affected traditional grant processes, Thompson Grants is now offering a continuously updated roundup in our Top News section containing grant-specific links for grant applicants and recipients posted by federal agencies, as well as from Congress and the Office of Management and Budget. The roundup is available here.
Grants Development NewsFirmer Budgeting Method Sought for SBDC Applications
The Small Business Administration (SBA), in response to concerns raised in a recent Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, is considering moving the annual program year start date for all Small Business Development Center (SBDC) program recipients to Jan. 1. Such a transition would allow all SBDCs to operate on a calendar-year basis, and to develop budgets for the program’s funding application based on established congressional appropriations and not presidential budget requests.
Grants Management NewsMissouri’s Foster Care Claim Disallowance Upheld
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Departmental Appeals Board recently upheld a determination by the HHS Administration for Children and Families (ACF) to disallow more than $1.33 million in federal foster care reimbursement sought by the Missouri Department of Social Services (MDSS) because the agency inappropriately requested numerous professional parenting claims as “maintenance payments,” rather than administrative costs.
READ MORENews Briefs: July-August 2020
NSF Extends Grant Deadlines. The National Science Foundation’s (NSF) 2020 Proposal and Award Policy and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) was generally effective for proposals submitted or due, and awards made, on or after June 1. However, in consideration of the disruptions to grant-related activity resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, NSF is extending various upcoming proposal deadlines where possible.
Single Audit News2020 OMB Compliance Supplement Likely To Consist of Two Documents
Based on discussions with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the 2020 Compliance Supplement is expected to consist of two documents, according to a presenter at the recent American Institute for Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Not-for-Profit Industry Conference. The first document, likely to be posted in July, will contain Compliance Supplement updates that were developed prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, while an addendum will be issued in late summer/early fall covering COVID-19 matters.
READ MORECOVID-19 Relief Aid Could Lead to Thousands of First Single Audits
After receiving emergency relief funding under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) (Pub. L. 116-136) and other related supplemental funding legislation, thousands of nonfederal entities nationwide may expend more than the $750,000 single audit threshold and be required to undergo their first-ever single audit, a panel of auditors recently told attendees at the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (AICPA) Not-for-Profit Industry Conference.
Grants Intelligence – July 2020Closeout Could Get A Lot Tougher
The Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) proposed revisions to the uniform guidance, released in January, include new language that strengthens federal agency authority and sets strict expectations for closeout for both federal awarding agencies and nonfederal entities.
Ask the ExpertIs Our Study Program an Allowable Purchase?
Q: Our institution has a Title III STEM grant. The principal investigator of the grant would like to enter into an agreement with the Princeton Review to give intensive MCAT test preparation through in-person and live online modality to approximately 25 undergraduate students. The Princeton Review program would provide students with a complete set of study material, online resources including drills and supplemental videos, and practice tests to maximize student score growth. It consists of: (1) 123 hours of live instruction; (2) 15 full-length practice tests; (3) MCAT STEM subject review material; (4) 365 days access to the online student portal that includes Princeton Review drills by subject & topic; and (5) access to MedFlix MCAT Video Archive; Interactive Score Reports. Do you consider this an allowable purchase? Thank you for your expert opinion. Bianca from La Verne, Calif.
READ MOREIs Electronic Approval of Invoices Allowable?
Q: Our organization is looking to automate our accounts payable/invoices approval process. We’re looking at utilizing a system that would provide for electronic approval of invoices. Is this OK? Am I required to have physical signatures for federal programs to evidence approval to pay invoices? Angella in Detroit, Mich.
Monthly Newsletters and Recent Handbook Updates
We take all the news each month and compile into a monthly newsletter for your files, and make continuous updates to our publications to keep them current.
Federal Grants Development Handbook:
¶260 – Added information about the DUNS number transition date and made other editorial revisions
¶221 – Added information about the DUNS number transition date and made other editorial revisions
¶270 — Updated links and made editorial revisions
Federal Grants Management Handbook:
Federal Grants Management Handbook Newsletter, July 2020
¶565 – Added information about the DOD USERRA Working Group and made other editorial revisions
Single Audit Information Service:
Single Audit Information Service Newsletter, July 2020
Guide to Managing Federal Grants for Colleges and Universities:
Federal Grants News Newsletter, June 2020
¶745 — Export Controls (content updated; addition of compliance elements chart)
¶746 — Biosafety (information updated throughout)
¶565 – Added information about the DOD USERRA Working Group and made other editorial revisions
Indirect Costs and Cost Allocation Plans – An eLearning Course
Karen Norris | Self-guided course
In this eLearning course, Karen Norris, a national consultant and subject matter expert for k4rnoco, a K4ren Norris Company, and formerly with Thompson Information Services, will discuss the changes in the new uniform grant reform guidance related to calculating and charging indirect costs to federal grants. The presentations will include: an overview on indirect cost rates, including developing and submitting indirect cost rate proposals; how the rules governing indirect costs have changed; and provide practical examples how agencies can prepare for these changes.
Achieving Grant Outcomes in a Pandemic: Compliance Challenges, Options and Consequences
Elizabeth Gombash |Thursday, July 09, 2020 | 1:00 – 2:30 PM ET
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have an unprecedented impact on grant projects. Addressing this impact has required time-critical decisions on how to respond to everything from business closures and worker furloughs to remote workplaces and social distancing. Every decision—and the ones yet to be made—affect your ability to deliver the outcomes promised in grant proposals. How can you move forward in this “new normal” without putting program performance (and compliance with the uniform guidance) at risk?
Collaboration in Grants Proposals Yields Great Rewards
Cyndi MacKenzie, GPC |Tuesday, July 14, 2020 | 1:00 – 2:30 PM ET
Grant professionals recognize how collaborative applications can open up access to larger revenues. So why do businesses and nonprofits shy away from collaborative proposals? The answer is that developing and managing collaborative grant-seeking process takes time, patience and a different set of grant skills. Now, a new webinar shows you how to approach collaborative grant applications more easily—and most successfully.
Demonstrating Program Impact in Reporting
Scot Scala, GPC, M.Ed., and GPA Approved Trainer |Wednesday, September 16, 2020 | 1:00 – 2:30 PM ET
Unless you can demonstrate program impact effectively, grant funders and other supporters may not realize how much you’ve achieved. That’s why it’s critical to focus on measuring impact and reporting performance so it highlights the outcomes and results that matter most to stakeholders. Let a fund development expert show you how, starting with the best way to use the SMART Outcome Measurement Model.