The American Nurses Foundation is accepting applications for its 2019 Research Grants program.
Grants ranging from $5,000 to $30,000 will be awarded to beginning and experienced nurse researchers in support of studies that contribute toward the advancement of nursing science and the enhancement of patient outcomes. The foundation encourages qualitative or quantitative research that address topics in the areas of nursing leadership, the evaluation of impacts, nursing roles, and opportunities. The foundation also welcomes proposals for research related to nurses’ self-care, resiliency, quality of life, nutrition, and activity.
The foundation defines a beginning nurse researcher as one who has had no more than $15,000 in extramural funding in a research area, and an experienced nurse researcher as one who has received more than $15,000 as a principal investigator since his or her last degree.
There are numerous award categories in which applications will be considered.
In all categories, the principal investigator must be a licensed registered nurse who has obtained at least one degree in nursing at the baccalaureate level or higher. Co-investigators and other team members may be non-nurses as long as the proposal is a nursing research project. Non-U.S. nurses are eligible to serve as principal investigator; however, if the study involves human subjects, IRB approval from a U.S. university, agency, or country of origin, as well as from each site where the study or portions of the study will be conducted, is required.
A non-refundable fee of $100 is required to apply.
See the American Nurses Foundation website for complete program guidelines, a list of award categories and restrictions, and application instructions.