William T. Grant Foundation Invites Applications for Studies Designed to Improve Use of Research Evidence

The New York City-based William T. Grant Foundation is accepting applications for its Research Grants on Improving the Use of Research Evidence program. Through the program, the foundation seeks high-quality field-initiated studies that identify, build, and test strategies to ensure that research evidence is used in ways that benefit youth.

The foundation welcomes ideas initiated by social scientists across a range of disciplines and diverse methodologies with the potential to advance researchers’ own disciplinary work and scholarship and reveal insights about ways to improve the use of research evidence. The foundation is particularly interested in research on improving the use of research evidence by state and local decision makers, mid-level managers, and intermediaries, and in research dedicated to the following lines of inquiry: identifying or testing strategies to improve the use of existing research; identifying or testing strategies for producing more useful research evidence; and testing the assumption that using high-quality research improves decision making and youth outcomes.

Grants will range between $100,000 and $1,000,000 over one to four years. In addition to financial support, grantees receive significant time and capacity-building resources, as well as opportunities to connect to other scholars, policy makers, and practitioners.

Only tax-exempt organizations are eligible to apply. A copy of the Internal Revenue Service tax-exempt status determination letter is required from each applying organization.

Letters of Inquiry are due May 1, 2019. Upon review, selected applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal.

See the William T. Grant Foundation website for complete program guidelines, application instructions, and descriptions of previously funded projects.