Grants Resource Center, by Wellons, Richard
The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) recently sent a letter to stakeholders asking for input that could affect future education research funding opportunities. The letter, from Mark Schneider, Director of IES, calls for feedback on three proposed request for applications topics that may be released in the winter: 1) Using state longitudinal data systems to measure long-term outcomes; 2) Using National Assessment of Educational Program process data; and 3) Systematic evaluation of widely used math and reading programs.
Next, the letter asks stakeholders to re-consider and make suggestions on the 13 current education research topic areas assigned to the National Center for Education Research (NCER) and the 12 research topic areas of the National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER). As Schneider notes, some of the topics (such as reading, writing, or math) are core to the education research mission, while others may have been added to address a specific need at a specific time and could be retired or replaced with new, more relevant topics. A formal request for information may follow but, in the meantime, Schneider welcomes comments on either of these topics at his email address: