Sponsor: Administration for Children and Families
Deadline: 6/20/2018
Last Verified: 5/18
CFDA No.:93.557
Contact: Oluwatoyin Akintoye
Program Officer
Description: Conducts outreach services designed to increase young people’s personal safety, social and emotional well-being, self-sufficiency, and to help them build permanent connections with families, communities, schools, and other positive social networks. These services, which are provided in areas where street youth congregate, are designed to assist such youth in making healthy choices and to provide them access to shelter and services which include: outreach, gateway services, screening and assessment, harm reduction, access to emergency shelter, crisis stabilization, drop-in centers, which can be optional, and linkages/referrals to services. IHEs may apply directly. A 10% match is required. See https://ami.grantsolutions.gov/index.cfm?switch=foa&fon=HHS-2018-ACF-ACYF-YO-1353 for details. Email: oluwatoyin.akintoye@acf.hhs.gov