APAP Accepting Applications for Cultural Exchange Fund

The Association of Performing Arts Professionals is accepting applications for its Cultural Exchange Fund.

The fund is a travel grant program supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation that assists U.S.-based APAP members in building partnerships and collaborations outside of the U.S. and to experience the work of artists from around the world in its cultural context. Grants of up to $2,000 will be awarded to individuals and up to $10,000 for groups.

The program supports U.S.-based presenting organizations, agents, managers, producers, individual artists, and groups of presenting professionals traveling outside of the U.S. APAP strongly encourages, but does not limit travel to the following: Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. All applicants must be active members of APAP at the time of submission, and membership must extend at least one month beyond proposed travel dates.

For complete program guidelines and application instructions, see the APAP website.