by The Grants Resource Center, Graeff, Frank
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has officially released a new term and condition on awards regarding “sexual harassment, other forms of harassment, or sexual assault”. Under this new rule, awardee organizations are required to notify NSF of any findings/determinations of harassment regarding an NSF funded principal investigator (PI) or co-PI. Awardee institutions must also notify NSF of any action taken by the school, including being placed on administrative leave. Reports must be followed within 10 business days from the date of the finding/determination, or the date of the placement of a PI or co-PI by the awardee on administrative leave or the imposition of an administrative action, whichever is sooner. After receiving the notification, NSF has the authority to substitute the PI, reduce the award to the institution, or terminate the award, depending on circumstances.
New harassment policies were initially announced last February, as previously reported in GrantWeek. These new rules have been announced after a comment period, where multiple stakeholders, including AASCU, weighed in on implementation. The rule will become effective on October 31, 2018.
To read the new rule, click here. To access all harassment related policies at NSF, click here.