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Odum Library Blog

Odum Library Blog

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Learn, Study, Discover


by Sherrida Crawford on August 16, 2010 in Odum Library

Welcome back!

Some of our veteran students may notice a few changes with our computer infrastructure since Spring ’10. For those of you who were not here during these changes over the summer, here is a brief explanation to guide you along the way. All of this information can be found at the IT Helpdesk website, but hopefully this blog will help relieve some of the stress from them.

One of the major changes has been our migration from Blazenet e-mail, to LIVE@V-State. Our new e-mail provider is powered by Microsoft, and we still get to keep our accounts! The IT Helpdesk has provided a website dedicated to all things e-mail related, and if you have any issues with your email, please visit the IT Helpdesk Email Webpage before calling them.

For users logging in to LIVE@V-State for the first time, please note it is a bit different than your first time logging into the old Blazenet e-mail system.

John Doe is logging into LIVE@V-State for the first time.
He will need the following information:
Year of Birth: 1966
First and Last CAPITALIZED Initials: JD
The Last 4 digits of his VSU ID#: XXXXX1234 *X
*Please note, the last digit on your VSU ID card indicates how many reprints of your card has been made. This is used to verify if that card is the current card in use.

John Doe will now log in with:*
*You must use the whole e-mail address.

First time use password is in year of birth, capitalized initials, and last 4 digits of VSU ID# format.

So John Doe’s first time login password is:

If you have any other issues, again please visit the IT Helpdesk Email Webpage, call them at 245-4357, or visit them at the Odum Library, 2nd Floor, next to Circulation.

Again, welcome to all of our new and returning students, and have a wonderful semester!