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Summer is for Fitness and Health

by Emily Rogers on May 26, 2016 in Government Documents, Odum Library, Reference

Summer is a great time to adopt healthier eating and exercise habits. Consider these sources from the U.S., Georgia, and Florida State Governments for leading a healthy lifestyle.

The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans show ways that we can improve our balance of healthy foods and drinks in our everyday lives. The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion offers these tools and resources for learning about these guidelines.

On May 20, 2016. the Food and Drug Administration finalized the new Nutrition Facts Labels for packaged foods. Updates to many labels include new serving sizes, specified types of fats, and clearer links between package size and serving size.  Serving sizes are supposed to be based on amounts people actually eat, rather than amounts they should eat, and some serving sizes have increased:  ice cream is now 2/3 cup per serving (formerly 1/2 cup), and sweetened soda drinks are now sized at 12 ounces, not 8 ounces.  is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s visual reminder for ways to balance protein, dairy, vegetables, grains, and fruit in a healthy diet.  In addition to dietary hints, this site offers tips for including physical activity in your daily life.  The USDA also offers tips for eating well on a budget, including preparing meals from scratch, cooking once for the major meals of the week, and buying fruits and vegetables in season. For more information, be sure to visit the exhibit of government resources on nutrition and fitness, located on the second floor of Odum Library, near the Reference Desk.

Another great way to be active this summer is to visit the many fine state parks, historic sites, and refuges available nearby in Georgia and Florida. Enjoy the summer!