It’s the second month of the New Year, and you’re walking down the Ped Mall to class. The sky is blue, the palms are swaying, and the Front Lawn grass is as green as ever. From the looks of it, 2018 is off to a great start. To ensure you make the most of this fresh start, we’ve provided you with five tips to having your best. semester. EVER.
1. Stay organized
Syllabi, class schedules, and new assignments will collect as the days go on, so be sure to keep all important papers organized so your work will be easy to find. Try creating folders for each class in your VSU email to quickly access notes from professors and classmates. Once you’ve organized your important paperwork, be sure to add all important dates to your calendar or planner. This way, you’ll always know what’s coming next and be prepared. You can double check all school holidays, breaks, and exam schedules by taking a look at the Academic Calendar. After all, who doesn’t want to know when they’ll be able to go home for a nice, home-cooked meal?

2. Make new friends
Need someone to go a sporting event with you? How about somebody to help you study? What if you want to take a weekend trip to the beach? Challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone and make new friends who will share experiences like going on a spontaneous weekend trip to the beach with you. Make it your goal to start up a conversation with a classmate, a student from an organization you’re involved in, or someone completely random. Odds are you’ll have more in common than you think!

3. Work out (Seriously! This helps.)
At some point in the semester, you’re going to feel overwhelmed and tired – so tired that you. can’t. even. Working out is a major stress-reliever that will clear your thoughts and rejuvenate your mind. Try taking a walk around VSU. We have a 1.35-mile walking trail that allows you to get some fresh air and explore landmarks around campus. Maybe you’re interested in swimming, getting your Namaste on, lifting weights, or trying out CORE (Center for Outdoor Recreational Experiences)? If so, run —don’t walk — to the Rec Center. It’ll have everything you’re looking for and more!

4. Experience Valdosta
Did we mention CORE? CORE takes at least one trip every month during the Fall and Spring semesters where you can go skydiving, whitewater rafting, or exploring at the beach (just to name a few)! Through these trips, you’ll gain outdoor skills, meet other students, and explore Georgia and the southeast. If you’re looking for a challenge in Valdosta, you can take on the Leadership Challenge Course behind the Rec Center or venture off campus for other outdoor adventures at Grand Bay, Mossy Pond, Reed Bingham State Park, or the Valdosta Wake Compound.

4. Relax
This one is important. Never lose sight of why you’re here, but always allow yourself to have “me” time. Take time to have a movie night with friends, enjoy a sporting event on campus, or just do nothing at all. Hitting the refresh button will clear your mind and allow you to re-focus on your goals for the semester. If you’re looking for something that is exciting and stress-free, take a look at the athletics’ schedule so you can enjoy a fun event that you won’t even need to drive to.

Now, go out there and have a great Spring semester! We cannot wait to see what all YOU accomplish.