We all have those days when we feel down or negative. The crazy thing is, one of best ways to feel better is to do something nice for yourself or someone else. If you scatter some sunshine, you can’t help but get some on yourself!!
“It took us so long to realize that a purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved.” — Kurt Vonnegut.
1. Send a hand-written thank you card to someone.
2. Give a compliment about your waiter/waitress to his or her manager.
3. Hold open a door for someone.
4. Have a conversation with a homeless person.
5. Compliment someone.
6. Pay for the person behind you in the Starbucks drive-thru.
7. Clean out your clothes and donate to a local non-profit.
8. Send flowers to someone anonymously.
9. Leave an encouraging note in a library book.
10. Ask an elderly person about their childhood.

11. Be a courteous driver.
12. Mentor an at-risk child.
13. Mow a neighbor’s lawn.
14. Donate blood.
15. Introduce yourself to a new coworker/classmate/church member.
16. Share inspirational quotes.
17. Write letters of appreciation to organizations that serve your community.
18. Leave happy post-its for strangers to find.
19. Smile.
20. Appreciate the people who support you.

21. Treat everyone the same– from your best friend to your mom to postal worker.
22. Release your expectations of other people. Allow them to be who they are.
23. Be genuine.
24. Forget yourself.
25. Delight in every day.
26. Flatter people.
27. Tell people how much you like them.
28. Share your lunch.
29. Fill a parking meter.
30. Volunteer somewhere. Anywhere.

31. Seek forgiveness.
32. Do your best.
33. Love yourself.
34. Dream big.
35. Tell someone why you love them.
36. Check in on someone who is lonely.
37. Stay curious.
38. Adopt a pet from the humane society.
39. Tell your boss that he/she does a great job.
40. Renew an old friendship.

41. Donate toys/books to a hospital.
42. Give someone a sheet of brightly colored stickers.
43. Make eye contact.
44. Take someone’s picture and send it to them.
45. Don’t think about other people’s definitions of success, beauty or happiness.
46. Create spaces for others to enjoy.
47. Make beautiful art.
48. Send unexpected gifts.
49. Be enthusiastic.
50. Love your life and everyone in it.