The Center for eLearning had an exciting week last week. We worked with Fugo Studios out of Atlanta to complete video segments of a new Online Orientation that is set to launch in August, 2014.
The new orientation program will be geared toward new VSU online students and will be integrated into the current VSU Student Portal. The primary goals are to get an online student from admission through enrollment, ensure online students have the information they need to navigate the university system/structure successfully and provide an ongoing reference for students after they initially complete the orientation. Segments of the first phase of this exciting project include:
- Orientation Video
- Embedded Quiz Features
- Registration
- Advising
- Learning Management System Intro
- Financial Aid
- Paying Tuition and Fees
- Bookstore
- Adult and Military Programs
- IT Helpdesk
- Student Policy Resources
- Academic Calendars
Additional key stakeholders in this project are the Orientation Office, Undergraduate and Graduate Admissions, Registrar, Centralized Advising Center, Access Office, Financial Aid, Bursary, Information Technology and Enrollment Management.
Below are some “behind the scenes” photos taken during the video shooting.

Stay tuned for additional information on this project!