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BlazeVIEW and GoVIEW D2L Upgrade

by Kathy Sundin on December 18, 2014 in BlazeVIEW D2L, GoVIEW

The USG’s Information Technology Services is upgrading all instances of D2L, including BlazeVIEW and GoVIEW, to version 10.3 during the 2014 December break (see below for details).  D2L has also made recent branding changes including a company name change (from Desire2Learn to D2L) and formally naming their learning environment product Brightspace.  The D2L Brightspace 10.3 upgrade is an in-place upgrade, meaning course and content material available at the time of the upgrade will remain available within BlazeVIEW and GoVIEW.  Unlike the previous upgrade from D2L 9.4.1 to D2L 10.2, this is a more incremental transition, from D2L 10.2 to D2L Brightspace 10.3.

With the D2L Brightspace 10.3 upgrade, there will be a few changes for users and some new features/functionality added to the system.  The updated Instructor and Student Tutorials in BlazeVIEW and GoVIEW are now available.  We’ll continue offering our What’s New: D2L 10.3 Upgrade workshop in 2015.  To register, please visit the Employee and Organizational Training Registration Database.  We’re including a handout from the workshop that reviews the larger changes and minor additions that will also be included in the tutorial update (see attached).

Upgrade Timing

To facilitate the upgrade process, BlazeVIEW and GoVIEW will be unavailable December 19th 12:01 AM ET – December 26th 5:00 PM ET.  The upgrade dates have been added to the scheduled maintenance calendar.

Learn more about Blackboard Collaborate

by Kathy Sundin on October 9, 2014 in BlazeVIEW D2L, Collaborate, GoVIEW

Blackboard Collaborate

Blackboard Collaborate will be the web conferencing platform for courses housed in BlazeVIEW, replacing Wimba, beginning with the Spring, 2015 semester. During the Fall, 2014 semester courses housed in GoVIEW were migrated to Collaborate.

Wimba support will terminate at the end of Fall, 2014 semester.

Instructors using BlazeVIEW or GoVIEW will be able to learn more about this new tool, how it integrates with D2L, and how to archive current BlazeVIEW Wimba sessions, in workshops beginning in October.

eLearning Computer Lab

Vincent King-Spezzo

Oct. 24 – 10:00-11:30 am
Nov. 3 – 1:00-2:30 pm
Nov. 18 – 2:00-3:30 pm
Dec. 3 – 9:30-11:00 am

Register for the workshop that fits within your schedule in the Employee Training Database so you are ready to use this new tool.

BlazeVIEW course instructors will have access to use Collaborate immediately.

Call: 229-245-6490 or eMail: