Everything You Need to Know About the HSBA
×Juliana Fortugno
Nursing Major
Hometown: Milton, Georgia
Expected Graduation Date: May 2015
“The new Health Sciences and Business Administration Building is absolutely gorgeous. I am so excited to be in a building that will allow me to further my education by providing an enhanced classroom experience.”
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Communication Sciences and Disorders, Master of Education
Catherine Palumbo
×Catherine Palumbo
Communication Sciences and Disorders, Master of Education
Hometown: Lombard, Illinois
Expected Graduation Date: May 2015
“We’re so excited to move to the new building. Not only will the students and faculty benefit from the state-of-the-art technology, but most of all our clients (will benefit as well). All the details really facilitate a collaborative learning environment.”
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Accounting and Health Care Administration Major
Jenna D. Olson
×Jenna D. Olson
Accounting and Health Care Administration Major
Hometown: Savannah
Expected Graduation Date: May 2015
“I wanted to pursue a degree in health care because I want to be able to help others. Double majoring in accounting and health care administration would help me further my knowledge in all aspects of the field. I know that when I graduate I will be able to find a job in the health care field because there are many windows of opportunity and the number of jobs will continue to grow in the years ahead. The new health science building is the only way I believe the health care administration major could grow at our school. I know that we have very good professors who care about their students and the health care field, so I cannot wait to see how successful the major becomes at Valdosta State University.”
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