September 17th is Constitution Day, the anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution in 1787.

The Constitution, mural by Barry Faulkner, 1936, Rotunda for the Charters of Freedom, National Archives, Washington, DC
Odum Library marks Constitution Day with an online exhibit of resources about the creation of the U.S. Constitution and Georgia in the days of the Constitutional Convention.
Be sure to visit the Government Documents display for Constitution Day 2011, located in the Odum Library 2nd floor Reference area, to see copies of the Constitution, Congressional hearings, and other documents related to the U.S. Constitution and citizens’ constitutional rights, including these government documents from our collection:
The Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence
The 2004 Presidential Election: Provisions of the Constitution and United States Code
Hearings before the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties of the Committee of the Judiciary:
- Civil Rights Under Fire: Recent Supreme Court Decisions, 111th Congress, 1st session, October 8, 2009
- USA PATRIOT Act, 111th Congress, 1st session, September 22, 2009
- Achieving the Promises of the Americans with Disabilities Act in the Digital Age: Current Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities, 111th Congress, 2nd session, April 22, 2010
Just click the above links to our GIL-Find Catalog to find these documents in our collection.
Valdosta State University will feature more observations of Constitution Day, including a roundtable discussion “Free Speech and Order on University Campuses in the United States,” open to the public, location, time, and date TBA.