February 2, 2016
I Love Bodoni
I Love Bodoni
Good design is timeless, Massimo Vignelli said that once and Dieter Rams reassured use with Good design is long-lasting. If you look back to 5 years ago you can see some of the trends but you can also see this saying working. That’s why I like to go back to old projects in sites like Behance, Dribbble, Pinterest, books and of course my own site Abduzeedo to see how much things have changed, but also how much good design is still good design. The project I am sharing today is a great example: the I Love Bodoni book by TwoPoints.Net
Every typeface has its own charisma. Not only does its presence in design lend an attribute to the identity of a product or project, but also reflect the taste, personality and attitude of the designer behind. Most designers keep a list of favorites with no more than ten typefaces throughout their trajectory. Some make a statement by sticking to just one typeface in every piece of their work. The choice for typeface is the flag held high by designers.
Bodoni has been used in everything from 18th century Italian books to 1960s periodicals, and early versions of the typeface are still used for fine book printing. Popular for poster use, it has graced diverse ad campaigns from Mamma Mia! to Nirvana. This graceful illustrated volume comprehensively explores the broad scope of experimental and creative design ideas that have been realized using Bodoni.
I Love Type is a collaboration between Viction:ary and TwoPoints.Net. The type collection series, with focus on one specific typeface at a time, documents the fashionable comeback of a selection of time honored typefaces in a myriad of contemporary designs gathered from around the world.
The jacket is printed in CMYK, plus a Pantone neon color and a holographic metal hot foil stamp. As well as the spine, the edge is colored with the neon color. Each book of the series is going to have another color, so when all the books are displayed together they will form a neon rainbow.
The preface for I Love Bodoni was written by Wolfgang Hartmann of BauerTypes.
- Publisher: Viction:ary
- Distribution: Gingko Press
- Year: 2011
Feb 02, 2016
Source: Abduzeedo Books