March 16, 2017
Interaction Design: Moonlight Official Site
Interaction Design: Moonlight Official Site
We would like to feature this interaction design project by Watson DG for the Moonlight Movie. Recently the movie has won many prestigious awards at the Oscars (2017) and especially for the Best Picture. Asides from the reveal controversy, the kind folks over Watson DG created the site that drew many of our attention to its success. From the visual, the site offers a simple and clean experience. I gotta appreciate the detail for the headings with that thin ruler line across and used as a divider.
Watson Design Group is a digital studio based in Los Angeles, USA. Founded in 2005, they focus their work into creative and online development from web campaigns to digital marketing. You should definitely check out the live site, it’s a lovely interaction with the header vs the scrolling.
Moonlight is a transcendent coming-of-age film that is both agonizing and heartwarming- a true display of the humanity in us all. To engage in the dialogue surrounding the applauded film, Watson Design Group created a site that drew attention to the film’s success as well as to the emotional impact Moonlight has had on its audiences, all through the use of poignant articles, quotes, and audience commentary. It is a look at what an unprecedented film meant to audiences around the world.
Mar 16, 2017
Source: Abduzeedo UI/UX
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