Advising/Office Hours

How do you handle meeting with students or professors when one of the participants cannot meet in person?  Meeting over the phone is acceptable.  You can even participate in certain programs that allow for web conferencing so that everyone can look at the same computer screen.




For your next advising or office hours session, why not consider Second Life?

  • Meet on campus at virtual Valdosta State University in one of our buildings especially constructed for meetings
  • “Lock the door” so that other wandering students cannot barge in on your meeting
  • Turn on private voice so that you and the student/professor/meeting participant can speak privately with your microphones
  • If you don’t have a microphone, you can always use your phone to connect with voice and use Second Life as a visual aid
  • Have a screen behind you that displays a PowerPoint presentation that you have made, so that you can explain course requirements, a missed lesson, a practice presentation, anything at all!  The screen can even display video from YouTube, in case you’d like to present a clip from a movie or documentary
  • If the meeting does not have to be private, you can meet at any number of coffee shops, on the beach, in a restaurant, at a bar, or even in church!
  • For a list of the variety of places you can visit in Second Life, click here to go the Destination Guide.


Consider advising and office hours in Second Life!  For support, please contact Dr. Ocasio at