Teaching in Second Life
The immersive environment is unlike any other teaching venue.
- Astronomy can be taught as students click on stars in virtual planetariums to learn their temperatures.
- Literature can be taught within replicas of buildings described in novels and in the time period in which they existed.
- Chemistry students can walk inside a molecule and explore its structure.
- Emergency responders can learn in simulated environments and with timed events to which they must react.
- Using Second Life for office hours, instructors and students can communicate in text or by Second Life “voice” using a microphone.

This is Nightingale Isle: Clinical Reasoning, Chronic Illness and Non-Acute Care Clinical Self-Management Support
For additional information and support with teaching in Second Life at VSU contact Dr. Michelle Ocasio (Modern & Classical Languages) at maocasio@valdosta.edu.
In addition, there is a Second Lifers group on campus. Click here to learn more.
Educational Resources:
The Second Life Educators (SLED) community is an e-mail list that includes more than 4,700 educators in Second Life. SLED was created in October 2005 to help newcomers adjust to Second Life, exchange resources, network, collaborate on projects, and share best practices.
SL Education Wiki
Top 20 Educational Locations in Second Life
Nursing: Surgical Area Simulations
Psychology Related Locations in Second Life
Science Related Locations in Second Life
A Simulation to Train Canadian Border Guards
Articles about Second Life Education