Meet Victor Aviles
Year: Sophomore | Major: Astronomy and Physics | Hometown: Clemson, South Carolina
Tell us about your outfit.
“I normally do a cosplay or costume once a week. Typically it’s on Fridays, but we started doing a research job with one of the doctors here, Dr. Drake, and so I was like, ‘You know what, I can’t really wear this to that,’ so every Thursday I wear something different. Last Thursday I wore a purple peacoat. A couple weeks ago I wore Phantom of the Opera, so it’s a bit different every time.”
What are you wearing today?
“This is a steampunk cosplay. I’ve been wanting to do one of these for a while and I just got all the components. It’s a lot of fun. The definition of steampunk is Victorian era culture but with modern technology.”
Why do you enjoy cosplay?
“When I was younger, I was really shy, so cosplay allowed me to express myself. It allowed me to build my confidence.”
What are some reactions that you’ve gotten?
“Typically, I get several double takes, maybe even a triple take. I’ll see someone smile, or someone yell across the way saying they like my outfit.”
What’s your favorite costume?
“I have an Assassin’s Creed costume that I handmade. It took about six months to make. I’ll be wearing that in the near future. I don’t know when though.”
What brought you to VSU?
“What really caught my eye about VSU was the Astronomy program. I have been wanting to major in Astronomy since my junior year of high school.”
What do you enjoy most about your major?
“I enjoy the fact that there is so much to learn. There are nearly infinite things to study in our Universe, and the fact that we only physically see a minute portion of that, amazes me.”
What is your favorite part of being a student at VSU?
“The fact that I can cosplay and be myself is, hands-down, the best aspect of being a student. Sure, there are people who judge me for that, but for the most part, I feel that people actually enjoy seeing something out of the ordinary.”
What are you planning to do once you graduate with a degree in?
“I have always aspired to work with NASA studying planetary bodies. If that doesn’t work out, I wouldn’t decline teaching.”
Anything else you’d like to add?
“Don’t let anyone tell you that you should not do something solely because THEY do not like it. Be yourself. Because you are you. And you are amazing.”