March 6, 2017
ABDZ Photo Challenge: #abdz_minimalism
ABDZ Photo Challenge: #abdz_minimalism
A photo challenge! Yes! Mainly, It’s an open concept that is made purely for fun and also to improve your photography or mobile photography skills. The idea is simple! At the beginning of the week, we’ll share a theme through a hashtag for your pictures. During that given week, you will use that hashtag whenever you seem is appropriate or not. On Friday we’ll select and publish our favourite photos on the blog and also on Instagram account (@Abduzeedos). We look forward to see what you will come up with.
This for this week, we are going for the hashtag: –> #abdz_minimalism. Minimalism is a pretty common term that we’ve once expressed our interest for. The interesting part with this week’s challenge is that we all have our own vision of minimal so it will be quite interesting to see your own vision of minimal. Let’s make it fun and compelling!
Some Examples
Make sure to follow: @Abduzeedos
Mar 06, 2017
Source: Abduzeedo Photography
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