This page is dedicated to the work of the students during the STEM ITL project at the VSU STEAM Center. We will present artifacts and culminating activities throughout the program.
Letters from students
Dear Governer
As you already know there is a company trying to build their business on the Flint river. I disagree with this company’s acts of building a business over one of our most useful rivers. Although the Flint river as much pollution and we are still trying to work on that issue, only building an industries will make it worst.
Some animals are still living in the river and are most likely already contaminated or dead, but as we are trying to find a solution are and more company’s buildings are trying to build their factory’s on on river the number of contamination will only increase. Our health rate will go down because of continous virese going around. Children will be harmed and our population will decrease. Also some plant we need for clothes, food, and resources will be no more. Chemicals will spread through the ground creating damage to our plants. Our ecomony will fail.
Visual projects created by students (click below)
clean-the-water example-business-2 party-poster-big real-estate-flyer
visual-report brochure clean-the-water example-environment-2
template-2-3 template-2-6 template-2-7 template-2-9
template-3 template-4 template-5 template-6
Student Work
Students from VECA worked throughout the project to review and summarize what they were learning and how the information was connected across disciplines.
Students from Pine Grove summarized some key points that they had learned prior to starting their English language arts activities