The MUNVSU conference will be held on the Valdosta State University Campus at the Student Union, 1205 N. Patterson Street, Valdosta, Georgia.
Interstate 75
Follow Interstate 75 to Exit 18 and travel east into Valdosta. Turn left at the second traffic signal onto Gornto Road. At the next traffic signal turn right onto Baytree Road. Follow Baytree Road until it dead ends into the VSU campus. You will be facing the Student Union at this light. To park, turn right onto Oak Street. At the first traffic signal, turn right at Brookwood Drive. This will bring you to the Oak Street Parking Lot. You will be able to walk across the street to the Student Union, where Baytree meets Oak Street.
From Waycross on U.S. 84 (from east)
When entering Valdosta, U.S. 84 becomes Hill Avenue. Follow Hill Avenue to the center of the city (courthouse) and turn right onto Ashley Street (one-way north). Stay in extreme left lane which will become a left-turn-only lane, after two blocks. Turn left on Magnolia Street, go one block and turn right on Patterson Street. Follow Patterson Street north
approximately 3 traffic signals. Turn left onto Brookwood Drive. This road will dead end at the Oak Street Parking Lot, where you may walk across the street to the Student Union where Baytree and Oak Street meet.
From Thomasville on U.S. 84 (from west)
Follow U.S. 84 to Interstate 75. Take Interstate 75 north to next exit (Exit 18). Exit Interstate and head east into Valdosta (turn right off of exit ramp). Follow the rest of the Interstate 75 directions above to reach the VSU campus.
From Douglas on Highway 221
When approaching Valdosta, Hwy 221 becomes Park Avenue. Continue on Park Avenue (west) until you reach the intersection of Patterson Street. Turn left on Patterson Street and head south approximately 7 blocks. Turn left onto Brookwood Drive. This road will dead end at the Oak Street Parking Lot, where you may walk across the street to the Student Union where Baytree and Oak Street meet.
From Moultrie on Highway 94
Follow Hwy 94 east into Valdosta. Pass over Interstate 75 (Exit 18) and follow the rest of the Interstate 75 directions above to reach the VSU campus.