
By Zii

Hello my name is Zii and I am in the 7th grade. My favorite sport is basketball. My favorite team is the Cleveland Cavaliers. Basketball is a simple sport. It is when you try to shoot a ball in a hoop without the other team stopping you. Basketball is when 5 guys get on the court. Then they try to stop five other guys from scoring. You are either on defense or offense. Defense is when you try to stop the other team from scoring and offense is when you try to shoot the ball in the hoop. There is a point guard, shooting guard, small forward, power forward, and center on the court.   




  1. Maybe we can discuss more.I am a basketball player in my school.I think off the most impotant of basketball is defense and organise a attack.Have you heard about triangle tactics?This tactis is thought by phil Jackson.Moreover,Phil Jackson is my respectable coach.Do you know or heard about “the last shoot of Michael Jordan”?The succeed of the last shoot is planned of phil.He said that he have planned of Michael steal.He felt confident with his team ,know that they can do it.I admire him of his mind and organization.
    Have you felt unfortunately for kobe retire?I think it Is unfortunately for his retire.Kobe is a very technical player of NBA because of his mamba spirit.Maybe,we can learn the persist of him.

    • I don’t play basketball but I watch basketball and Kobe was a good player and also Michael and I never heard of triangle tactics

  2. My favorite team is the Atlanta Hawks. I’ve been a hawks fan for 5 years. The cavs are my least favorite team in the NBA, but we all have different opinions!

  3. My name is Collin ,I wanted to know if you have ever played basketball before .

  4. My name is Kelvin Potter. I live in Valdosta , Georgia and I have played basketball before and I was okay. If you need a work out and out of shape you should play basketball not trying to offend anyone though.

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