Grand Bay

By Lauren

Hello my name is Lauren and I live in Valdosta , GA. This is a picture of Grand Bay. There are amazing animals in this place such as alligators, turtles, fish, owls, bobcats and more. If you go to Grand Bay you could feed the fish, turtles, and even hold a baby alligator. Also there is about a one mile walk to this tower and you could see birds and alligators walking but they won’t harm you. Once you are on the tower, you’ll see a lot up there, you might even see planes flying by because of the near air force base. Even though it seems a lot of walking at the end of the day you’ll have fun.


One Comment:

  1. Kelly Hazlehurst

    Hello, My name is Kelly I live in Valdosta , Georgia Me and My sisters used to go to Grand Bay and walk the trail. There not dead. There is a tower at the end of the trail .We used to climb it and take pictures. Then we would walk back to the car and go back to our house.

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