
By Kylie



Hi my name is Kylie. I am in 7th grade. What I will be talking to you about is Barrel Racing. The two pictures that you see above is the kind of horse I have and what you go around the second is what you ride with. What you do in barrel racing is you go around three barrels. My two second favorite cousins barrel race with me. One cousin’s name is Chastity and the other cousin is named Tami. Tami rides a Tennessee Walking horse that is a caramel coffee color. Chastity rides a horse that I’m not sure what kind he is but he also is a caramel coffee color with zebra type legs. Back to barrel racing, in the event the horse races with turns. The cowgirl’s time begins as she rides her horse across the starting line in the arena. She makes a run around three upright barrels, which are in a cloverleaf pattern, and back to the starting line where the clock stops.  

One Comment:

  1. cool its a horse

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