Blood Typing Protocol
- Get 4 of the plastic trays and rinse them thoroughly. Label each tray with the name of the individual whose blood you are testing, using a wax pencil.
- Obtain a vial of simulated blood and place 2-3 drops of blood in each of the three wells (A, B, & Rh) of the correct plastic tray.
- Place 2-3 drops of each of the typing sera in the appropriate well of the tray (anti-A goes in the A well, anti-B in the B well and anti-Rh in the Rh well).
- Mix the blood and serum together with a toothpick. DO NOT USE THE SAME END OF THE TOOTHPICK IN TWO DIFFERENT WELLS!!! Always use a clean toothpick for mixing in a new well.
- Let the blood sit for approximately a minute and then begin examining the wells for agglutination reactions. If agglutination has occurred, you should see small dark spots within the well. These spots are easier to see against a white background, so put your tray over a blank sheet of paper or a paper towel.
- Record the blood type of this individual on theĀ Blood Lab Worksheet.
- Repeat the above steps and determine the blood types for the simulated blood from each of the other three individuals. Again, record this information on theĀ Blood Lab Worksheet.