One particular week every Fall brings about a certain kind of energy and excitement to this beautiful campus. For that one week the campus is filled with spirit, tradition and of course Blazer pride. Naturally, we’re talking about Homecoming and this years Homecoming was pretty dang amazing. The week kicked off with a Carnival on the Front Lawn that was put on by our office and SGA. Student groups set up tables with carnival games while a giant inflatable slide, rock climbing wall and extreme trampoline jump helped add excitement to the atmosphere. Tuesday consisted of a new event that was sponsored by Housing and Residence Life…tricycle races. This event was pure entertainment to watch. Student groups competed against each other in a relay race that took place on the pedestrian mall. It sounds pretty easy but judging by the broken pedal, bent handlebars and frustrated participants, the old saying “just like riding a bike trike” isn’t necessarily true. Congrats to team Chi Omega and Sigma Nu for the big win. Also on Tuesday, the annual sheet sign and sidewalk chalk competition was help. The walkway outside of Palms looked like a piece of art or graffiti, whichever you prefer. Either way, the creativity of our students is pretty incredible.
Wednesday was the annual VSU-Wild Adventures night. This is hands down, the best attended student event on campus. This year set a new record with over 4,300 students enjoying the rides, haunted trails and foot long corn dogs. On Thursday students had to opportunity to attend the Presidents Cookout on Reames field and the walk next door to the PE Complex for the Pep Rally and (back by popular demand) Lip Sync. The Black Light Pep Rally was a new addition last year and doesn’t appear to be going away and for good reason…it’s awesome! The rally starts with the lights going off in the Complex and the black lights coming on. For the next hour student athletes covered in neon paint and tape are introduced followed by the cheerleaders and Red Hots doing routines while glowing in the dark. After the Pep Rally ended, the Lip Sync competition started rolling. Student groups paired up to compete in a dance/lip sync competition that involved a lot of awkward dancing with guys dressed like girls and girls dressed like guys. As always, hilarity ensued. Finally, the week ended on Saturday with the parade, blazergate and football game, which we won.
Good old Homecoming.
- Carnival on the Front Lawn
- Sidewalk/Sheetsigns
- Tricycle Race
- Wild Adventures
- Creepy Clown Guy
- Waiting in line at the Swamp Thing
- Students enjoying a ride
- Black Light Pep Rally