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How to Have an Active Thanksgiving

Happy Turkey Day, Blazers!

Thanksgiving is the biggest family feast of the year with all of your favorites including potatoes, greens, and turkey! The anticipation is on everyone’s face right before they dive in, making sure they get a little taste of everything. The satisfaction hits you right after filling up your belly, but it does not end there. After that full-feeling, you may start to feel queasy and weighed down. This is why it is important to stay active on thanksgiving and avoid that aftermath! 

An active thanksgiving is not as bad as it seems when you have your family and friends to help you get creative with your workouts. Being active on Thanksgiving is a great time for family bonding and getting everyone moving so your Thanksgiving meal can digest more efficiently. 

Here are some fun ways to get moving during Thanksgiving. 

  • Gather your family for a group walk.

Going on a group walk with your family before dinner allows the family to stay active without any hardcore workouts. This is also a perfect time to bond and have great conversations while enjoying the fresh air.

  • Join the clean-up crew

Setting the table, organizing the dinner, and helping clean up after wards is a great way to keep moving. It’s always great to lend a helping hand during the holidays to make sure everything runs smoothly. 

  • Get up every commercial break

Bonding with family over television is an American tradition, and lounging around after a great meal is always the way to go. Try getting up every commercial to keep moving around and ensuring your digestive system is working efficiently. 

  • Active family games

What better way to incorporate exercise than using some friendly competition? Get your family involved in games like flag football, volleyball, freeze tag, and more. The losing team gets their dessert last!

  • Push-ups for every point

Watching sports this thanksgiving? Save your money for Christmas shopping by trying another way to rep your team. Every time a point or touchdown is made for the opposing team, do a push-up. This is a great way for sports fans to stay active during the game.

  1. Indoor Activities

Organizing different games and activities to play such as charades or Pictionary allows your family to stay active and interact with each other. 

Keeping up with your health while feasting on Thanksgiving can be a lot easier than when you have family included in your activities. As long as you are staying active and moving around, you’re on the right path. Avoid sitting around before or after your meal and allow your body to digest your food properly without that queasy after-feeling.

Written By: Kayla Pool
