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DIY Hand Sanitizers

Hand sanitizer can be difficult to get a hold of during this time period, but it is still an essential for people on-the-go. When students are in class or at work, sinks aren’t always around for them to frequently wash their hands. That’s the beauty of hand sanitizers. They kill up to 99.9% of the germs and keep you disinfected after every task. The only problem is that they are high in demand, leaving some people high and dry.

The solution to this problem is rather simple…make your own! Creating your own DIY hand sanitizer also allows you to customize it with a scent that best suits you. Essential oils are a great option for fragrancing your hand sanitizer due to their antimicrobial properties that are effective in an array of pathogens, and enhance the effectiveness of the disinfectant. The most commonly used disinfectant oils are lemon, orange, peppermint, and tea tree. 

Ethanol (also known as ethyl) alcohol will be used as the base of the sanitizer. It is considered an effective substance against a large spectrum of microorganisms which can linger on the skin.

According to HealthLine, “The FDA recommends using “alcohol (ethanol) that is not less than 94.9 percent by volume,” or USP-grade isopropyl alcohol.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also recommend people to only use ethanol alcohol-based hand sanitizers that contain more than 60% alcohol. 

DIY Hand Sanitizer Ingredients:

– 2 ounce spray bottle

-Essential oils of your choice (15 drops in total)

-5 drops of vitamin E oil (optional for moisturizer)

-3 tablespoons of ethanol alcohol

-Distilled/filtered water


Step 1 – Pour the essential oils, vitamin E oil and ethanol alcohol into the 2 ounce spray bottle,place the spray top on, and shake for 15-20 seconds.

Step 2 – Remove the spray top and add water up to the rim of the bottle. Then, shake again for 15-20 seconds.

That’s it!

This 2-step DIY is a great alternative to purchasing hand sanitizer from the store. It eliminates the stress of seeing the empty store shelves when they’re sold out or putting up with foul smells in different sanitizers. 

Written By: Kayla Pool
