2016 Pops In The Park Was Huge Success


The 2016 Pops In The Park event is hosted each year by the Music Scholarship Alliance Board.  This group of individuals, along with faculty, students, and community members dedicate many hours to help collect gifts and donations that will benefit our students at Valdosta State University’s College of the Arts.

WOW! What a night! This year, we were entertained by VSU’s incredibly talented Spotlighters choral group, Steel Drum Band, Jazz Ensemble, New Jazz Ensemble, and featured guests Mr. Don Zentz and Ms. Gabby Ford.  The evening was pure perfection!

We would like to thank everyone who helped donate their time and energy to helping our students.  A huge thank you to the MSA Board, VSU faculty and staff, each student performer, their families and friends, the College of the Arts facilities coordinators, VSU’s Events Services and Catering Department, and the fabulous members of the Valdosta community! Also, a special thank you to the Dean of the College of the Arts, Mr. A. Blake Pearce, and Associate Dean, Mr. Michael Schmidt for their continued love and support to all of the CoA programs and the success of our students.