Pictured: At the Film and Video Society’s “Reel Wars” debate event, Team Deathstrike (left) and Team Ironman (right) plan their debate strategy for Round Five. Professor Andrew Black (right) plans a photo.
A 90 – minute discussion-based competition highlighted the first of the Film and Video Society’s new “Reel Wars” events, in which members debate their personal viewpoints in teams, regarding movie genres on Nov. 30. Wednesday night’s topic was entitled “The Superhero Edition,” and the contest would include “everything we know and love about comic book movies.” Two four – person teams competed, as members discussed issues affecting this multi-billion dollar business, from an artistic and economic perspective. The winning group, captained by Levi Johnson, called themselves Team Ironman, and beat Team Deathstrike, 3 debate rounds to 2.
Film and Video Society President Nathan Ragland moderated the contest, and Jonathan Bice served as Timekeeper. The five debate rounds centered on the discussion of questions: 1. What hero deserves a movie reboot?, 2. Who should direct the solo flash movie?, 3. Who was the most forgettable villain?, 4. What hero / villain should never be re-casted?, and 5. Pitch a DC-Marvel crossover film. Judges included Mass Media Instructor Andrew Black, Professor Dennis Conway, and Elizabeth Black.
Next semester’s topics will include “The Final Frontier,” a debate about space movies, and perhaps a “James Bond movie” – themed debate. Meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday nights of the month, at 7 p.m. in the Mass Media Building.