Network Maintenance
On 9/3 at 4:30pm, we will transition the HSBA building to a new network switch. Minor downtime is to be expected during the transition to the new infrastructure.
On 9/3 at 4:30pm, we will transition the HSBA building to a new network switch. Minor downtime is to be expected during the transition to the new infrastructure.
On August 31, from 6am to 7am, VSU Network Services will perform necessary maintenance on the VSU wireless network. Impact: Users may experience a nominal outage of 2 minutes or less while a physical change in connection is made.
Information Technology Services (ITS) will be completing Banner installations in production environments. Banner and all related services will be unavailable during the maintenance window: Beginning: Friday, September 10 at 5:30 p.m. Ending: Saturday, September 11 at 7 a.m. This scheduled maintenance affects: GeorgiaBEST Banner Managed Services (Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, …
VSU Information Technology will be at The Happening this Thursday and we want to see YOU there! Play the VStateIT@theHappening Game to be entered in the drawing to win $25 FLEX Funds and cool VStateIT swag! Four winners will be chosen. Here’s how to play: Follow/Like @VStateIT on Twitter or Facebook Answer ALL three game …
Due to end-of-year processing, Banner and all related services (Banner Web, Banner Admin, online payment systems, etc.) will be unavailable: June 30, 4pm – July 2, 8am (possibly sooner) To learn more about banner visit: