Technical Updates? Tech Tips? IT Announcements?
Check out the latest that IT has to share! Listed are all the new and exciting things happening on the technical side of Valdosta State University!
Two Factor Authentication starts May 23rd– Two Factor Authentication will be required for student VSU online accounts starting Thursday, May 23rd, 2019.
Outlook on your Personal Devices May 15th – If you are unable to access your VSU email using your personal mobile device native email application (e.g., Apple Mail) or Outlook 2013 or older on your personal computer, please do one of the following.
Visual Schedule Builder Update (VSB) May 13th – Register for classes with one simple click directly within VSU’s Visual Schedule Builder (VSB)!
New Email Security Features were Enabled – These new features aid in preventing malicious emails.
Department & Class File Storage Scheduled Maintenance May 17th – Tonight, May 17, 9pm – 10pm, maintenance will be performed on the network file storage systems known as V-Drive\Department (V:\dept) and V-Drive\Class (V:\class).